About American Dystonia Society a 501c3 Non-profit Corporation dedicated to advancing the Dystonia Cause.
American Dystonia Society was founded in November 2009 by a small group of people who have Dystonia. The original Board of Directors has grown from the original four members to it's current size of eight. Nearly every form of Dystonia is represented on the board and the director level positions reflect ADS's committment to the Dystonia Community. ADS advocates for and supports Veterans, Hispanics, and Young Adults with Dystonia. ADS will push initiatives and programs that will promote awareness on every level of government and the general public. Awareness is the key for raising funds for research for a disorder that could affect at an estimated 300,000 Americans in recent epidemiology research. As Dystonia patients themselves, ADS's Board of Directors recognizes the need to provide support for Dystonians from the newly diagnosed to those who have long term Dystonia.